Thursday, October 8, 2009


Life is full of suprises. Some good, some bad and some that could pretty much go either way depending on how you choose to look at things. Last friday Brian suprised me. I won't go into detail because it's his story to tell and not mine... but he is really trying to turn his life around and (in his words not mine) find his way back to God. Of course I cried when I got off the phone with him. I'm just so proud of my (well used to be my) little man. I want him to be happy. I want him to succeed. I want him to have everything he has ever dreamed of. I want him to do great things. He deserves all of that and so much more. There's always going to be a special place in my heart for that kid. I'm always going to care about him. Always going to do what little I can to help him. I'm beginning to think that nothing in life ever happens by mistake... that maybe our God, the very God who Brian want to get closer to, has our whole life mapped out detail by detail. And everything has it's purpose. Just a week ago I never thought that I could learn something from Brian. But I did. I learned that I don't give God nearly enough thought. Oh sure I'll tell you I'm a Christian if you ask my religious preference and I might pray from time to time but actually putting some effort into learning who God is and what that means to me... nope, nada, none of that. And I'm thinking that maybe I should start. Now I'm not planning on going all hardcore, bible thumper, stand on the street corner and preach at you kind of Christian... but I should atleast give God a little consideration in my day to day life. And that my friends would be the lesson learned from Brian Lee Matthews the self-proclaimed athiest, king of all assholes... or atleast that is how he used to describe himself... I think he's using a little different discription these days and that surely is a gift from God that makes me incredible happy!

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