Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What I've learned Wednesdays

1) In Florida air conditioning is a must... even in December.

2) Don't sleep in your contacts. Sure, sure the box says you can but if you sleep in them routinely your eyes can't breath and develop blood vessel growth or something like that.. Whatever it is it's bad... so even though "they" say you can- don't sleep in your contacts.

3) You can make smores in the microwave. They taste just as good as if you made them over a campfire.

4) My dad is absolutely the best daddy ever. He surprised me with a purple i-pod for making all A's my first semester back at school. How could you not love and appreciate that man!!!

5) A lot of times in life you've got to close the door on the past and walk away. Be extra careful and make sure you never look back.

6) I actually owe Brian an apology. I realize now what a mistake a certain choice was. Not going into details but let's just say I crossed a line that should have never been crossed because I was only thinking about myself. Now two guys have lost what was once a good friendship and I'm pretty sure I hurt Brian in the process. U live and learn I guess... but when it comes down to it my friendship with Brian is far more important to me than the other thing. And that's that.

7) Even though I am very much aware of how blessed I am, I'm still finding it hard to not feel a little down this Christmas. I've lost a husband and a grandmother this year and it's hard not to feel the pain of that during holiday family time. Why is it that you can have sooooooo much to be thankful for but still get stuck on the few things that you don't have?

8) Certainly not new knowledge but nevertheless very much worth mentioning... Cheerwine is by far the best soda ever! Hands down! No contest! Should def be the drink of the Gods! Period!

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