Monday, December 7, 2009

overstated changes

I tend to try and say with too many words exactly what I think I'm thinking. I'm pretty sure that I make things over complicated this way. It confuses me how I can be a slightly different person from one day to the next. I don't do well with change... but if there's one constant in life, that's change, so I suppose I better get used to it. I over think the fact that I feel like a hypocrite sometimes. But the simple truth to the matter is that what I think today might not be what I think tomorrow. I'm evolving as a person and surely that is a good thing. It's all trial and error really... besides nothing is stopping me from returning to my previously stated beliefs if the new ones don't work out. I used to laugh when people said that everything happens for a reason... now I pretty much believe that things do. If you asked me just a year ago where I'd be now I'd say married and with a baby on the way. Obviously that's not where I'm at. Six months ago I was furious at Brian and thought he was an asshole. Now I'd tell you that he's a great friend (maybe not husband!) and that I only hope the best for him because I think as a person he deserves it. I never thought that I could be alone, be happy and be okay and yet here I am. Such short spans of time... such different takes on life. I'm not a hypocrite. I'm not perfect. And I'm ever changing. Because even at twenty seven I still find myself growing up. The other day someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up. I kinda just laughed and said that I already was grown up... and they just laughed at me in return. I guess in a way you never are fully grown up. I keep waiting for the moment to happen when I no longer feel like an 18 yr old playing at being an adult... I'll keep you posted of when and if that moment ever occurs! Until then I need to be making my overthinking, overcomplicated, constantly changing self work on my research paper that is due tuesday. Atleast it only has to be a 1,000 words... I'm sure I can easily manipulate a 1,000 words to overstate and overmake my point for an A!

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