Sunday, May 24, 2009

what I do know...

I might not know much but as of today this is what I do...
~This whole divorce thing isn't going to be easy and it's not going to be something I get over in a month. For Brian it seems a piece of cake... for me is definately one of the hardest things I've ever done. It's going to take some time for me to realize that Brian isn't going to be there for me anymore. I guess when you share your life with someone for over eight years it's hard to turn and walk away.
~Hard or not I've got to walk away. I've got to stop looking back and trying to hang on to bits and pieces of him... I've got to completely let him go. Hopefully one day we'll be able to be friends but right now I've got to put as much distance between him and I as possible.
~As easy as it would be for me to run home to North Carolina and let my parents take care of me I can't do that. I'm twenty six years old and I think it's past time for me to be able to stand on my own two feet. The easy path isn't the one I'm going to let myself walk.
~I'm going to have days when it's all I can do to put one foot in front of the other but that's exactly what I'm going to have to force myself to do... one step at a time. I'm by far not the toughest girl around but I've got to atleast pretend to be.
~I'm going to make lot's of mistakes but I'm sure even those will have a purpose to get me where I need to be. I was never a big believer in "Everything happens for a reason," but I'm starting to have a little more faith in that whole statement.
~In the long run I'm going to be okay. I've just got to survive the journey til I get there.

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