Monday, January 28, 2008

Battle of the "muffin top."

Day two in the battle of the muffin top!
Let's be honest. I'm not even sure if you could call what I have a "muffin top." Afterall it's just my curves rebelling against my size two jeans... but I refuse to go up a size... I will win this battle and tame my little muffin belly back into submission. Realistically can I expect to be the same size and shape I was when I was eighteen? Probably not but I can try!!! Yesterday my husband and I went on over a three mile walk and today we did a walk/jog, well mostly walk (thanks to me) of two and a half miles. I am most defiantly not a natural runner. I've always envyed those people who seem to get joy and relaxation out of a nice jog. Try as I might I fear that will probably never be me! I huffed and puffed. My legs burned and my sides ached and I felt like I was about to hurl every few minutes or so. And when then going gets tough, the tough get going right? No. I stop and suck for air like I'm drowning and double over in pain. I don't seem to have that motivation, that extra push, that ability to block out the pain and continue. I give up way to easily and I don't really like that about myself. Maybe this whole jogging thing will turn into more than just a weapon against the muffin top. Maybe it will turn into a tool of self improvement. Eventually maybe I'll learn how to push myself. How to keep going and moving ahead when I'm dead sure that it'll kill me to take another step. To be a person of persistance. And if all of that is to lofty of a goal atleast a person without "muffin top."

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