Friday, January 25, 2008

The Day the Xbox Died.

"And in the streets; the children screamed,

The lovers cried and the poets dreamed.

But not a word was spoken;

The church bells all were broken.

And the three men I admire most;

The father, son, and the holy ghost,

They caught the last train for the coast.

The day the "!!!xbox!!!" died."

Oh what a sad, and yet joyful occasion. Brian's beloved xbox is broken. It's under warranty so he has to send it in but the whole process could take up to a month. One whole month without his xbox 360!!! You'd think that he had just lost his best friend. I on the other hand will enjoy my month without the sounds of gunfire ringing through the house as he plays "call of duty". Or not having to watch the lovely almost pornograffic animated girls parading across the screen in some racing game. And whatever will I do not to wake up at night to hear him talking smack to some fouled mouthed 12 year old that is destoying him at Halo on xbox live. Oh such peace and quiet I will enjoy. Does this mean that we will actually get to watch tv? What a novel idea!

On a side note if you don't own a garden tub or the likes, trying to take a bath with your significant other is not likely to turn out quite as romantic as you invisioned. So I'm thinking oh what a great idea, it'll be a nice change of pace from showers together where he likes to pee on my feet. Seriously how many times can a man pee on your feet and still think it's the most hilarious thing ever? Anyway I lit candles and filled the tub with bubbles but... with both me and my 6ft. tall 180 pound husband in the tub there was little room for water. We completely soaked the bathroom floor, it was almost impossible to wash my hair and the faucet kept poking me in the back... totally worth the experiece though. There's something to be said for flopping around all slippery and wet with your husband in very confined spaces! Not romantic but a hilariously good time. Hey he even shaved my legs for me and that's enough to make any bathing experience worthwhile!!!

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