Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Migraines! Oh how I hate having migraines! Today was the first day I've had one in a long time so I guess I should be thankful for that... but it's hard to be thankful for anything when your head feels like it's splitting open. Called into work this morning, ending up having to take two of my migraine pills, and slept all day until Brian came home. Not a very productive day at all. Brian was really sweet though. When he got home he climbed into bed and snuggled with me. Even took a nap with me and he hates naps. Then he grilled out hamburgers for us to eat for supper because he knew I wouldn't feel like cooking. Now it's not hard to be thankful for that. I don't tell him enough how thankful I am. So if you're reading this baby- Thank you, you are a totally awesome husband and I couldn't have wished for more.

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