Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What I've learned Wednesdays...

1) I always have and will hate tuna fish... not only does it taste nasty but it smells nasty too!

2) If you don't wash the little smashed bug guts and body parts off the front of your car after awhile the acid in the remains of their disgusting little bodies will eat through your paint and you'll be forever driving around with a million little bug imprints on the front of your car!

3) Work plus school equals a fairly exhausted me!

4) My mom and I frequently don't see eye to eye. I'm beginning to learn how to listen to her opinion and take it for what it is... just an opinion... I'm making my own choices now... and just because something might disappoint her isn't reason enough not to do it.

5) Bullshit must be low in carbs. I should have gained twenty pounds just from how much of it I've been fed lately.

6) I'm naive (I haven't decided if this is going to be an asset or present a problem for me)

7) I'll probably always want to help Brian out. I guess when you've loved someone you want to see them do well in life, to succeed, to find happiness.

8) It's best to expect nothing from others...

9) ...but to expect everything from yourself.

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