Sunday, September 6, 2009

a definate problem...

This is going to be a definate problem. I don't know how to read guys... I don't know what the hell they are really thinking... what they really want... I'm pretty much clueless. I guess that's what happens when you are with someone since you were eighteen yrs old til 26... you don't learn those basic skills so to speak. I'm probably going to have horrible luck trying to date. I'm going to say the wrong things and do the wrong things and expect the wrong things... I feel sorry for any guy that potentially crosses my path really. I'm probably going to put him through hell... which means no sane guy is going to stick around. Not to mention all of the issues I'm carrying over from my marriage!!! Wow... I'm going to be quite the catch... ummm not!!!! I hate this feeling like an idiot thing, this clueless, helpless, I make myself look like a total ass because I don't know what the hell I'm doing thing. Isn't there a self help book or something for this? Here's the sucky part though. I really want to date... see who else is out there...possibly meet the right guy for me one day. And this is where I insert the whole I want someone to find me likable not just do-able... well I guess do-able is ok as long as I'm likable too! I don't want to just be someone's good time... their fuck buddy so to speak. Not that there's anything wrong with that if that's your thing... but for me it's wrong... I want more out of someone than just that. I want to be looked at as more than that. Is that to much to ask for? Maybe it is and maybe I'll never find it but atleast I won't have settled for less than I'm looking for. Now if only I knew how the hell to go about finding what I want or what the hell to do with the guy if I did find him? Like I said- this is going to be a definate problem.

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