Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Fifth Anniversary!!! (a little late)

Sixteen year old Brian and eighteen year old me!!! (It's not the best pic but it's the oldest of us together.)
December 27th, 2003

Brian and I now... five years of marriage... god willing many more to come!!!

How it all started:
We met during high school in the fall of 2000 when we had fourth period earth science together. At first I didn't like Brian at all. He was loud and obnoxious. A trouble-maker and a class clown. Secretly I thought he was a pothead!!! (If only you could have seen him then you would understand. He had spiky hair with blond tips and probably every other day or so wore this grateful dead tye-dye shirt with cut-off camouflage shorts and shoes with grinding plates on the bottom!!!)One of the first things I think he ever said to me was to sniff me, laugh and say that I smelled like fish. What an endearing compliment. But what can I say, you do and say the strangest things when you're a sixteen year old boy.Yet somehow this strange little creature began to grow on me. I looked forward to going to class and seeing his bright blue eyes shining and hearing his constant laughter and jokes. Our teacher and Brian made this silly bet about him making a hundred on the next test. (For Brian in those days 100's were few and far between) So on my eighteenth birthday he called me and I helped him study for the test. I made a 102 and my loud, obnoxious, smiling, funny Brian made a 103. Of course he found this beyond hilarious and nearly eight years later I still here about that test. After the test in true high school kid fashion we began writing notes back and forth and I wrote this absolutely silly little note to him on December 6th telling him that I liked him. That night he called me up and asked me to be his girlfriend. How cute and innocent our story began. Somehow I doubt that teenagers today have quite the same stories. So since December 6th , 2000 we've been Brian and Elizabeth. Elizabeth and Brian. Hardly ever one without the other. We did have a few on again off again times during our dating days but we're not counting those : ) After eight years together and five years of marriage I couldn't imagine my life without him. And if I were being honest sometimes whenever he wears his favorite camouflage shorts I wish he'd throw on a tye-dye shirt, grinding shoes, spike his hair, and sniff me just for old times sake!

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