Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Jogging in the Rain

I hate to say this but, jogging is actually beginning to grow on me. I know, I know, I'm even shocked to be writing it myself. There's just something satisfying about running, channeling all of your energy into moving forward, step after step. It's nice to feel my daily sidewalk journey getting easier and easier the more I travel it. To be able to run the same distance with less effort than the day before. It's also nice to have my husband as my running partner. We talk more jogging and walking then we do sitting on the couch. It's great getting to spend that extra time doing something together since we spend most of the day apart at work. Tonight's jog should have been a disaster, the only reason it wasn't was Brian. I had horrible cramps and once we were a mile and a half away from the house it began to rain! So here I am PMSing, crampy, and jogging in the rain. I'm complaining and Brian is smiling. He is laughing and singing every song he can think of that is about rain. It's Februaury, we're running in the rain and he thinks it's great fun!! He gave me his hoody to wear so I'd stay warm and grabbing my hands tries to dance around with me saying how romantic it is to be stuck together out in the rain. Somehow with cold rain pouring down on me and a combination of snot and water running down my face from my nose, romance is the farthest thing from my mind. Yet here he is having a grand old time... so I can't help but to laugh along with him. He's funny and cute and soaking wet. He makes me shiver a little less. Forget the water sloshing around in my running shoes. Makes me so grateful that I have him to "run" through life with! Even if sometimes it is in the pouring rain!

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