Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Ah, the smell of icyhot!!! For the past week or so that seems to be all I smell. I smell like icyhot. My husband smells like icyhot. Our bedroom smells like icyhot. Even our cats smell like icyhot. (Don't even ask about that one? Brian thought it would be an interested experiment to put it on Gangsta Whitie and Cameron and watch for their reaction.) Why does everything in my world smell like icyhot?? The culprit of that would be "the muffin top." Brian and I have continued to go jogging around the neighborhood most days after work. Even though I come away with sore and achy muscles I'm actually making progress. Today we ran just over a half mile without me dropping dead onto the sidewalk. It may not seem like much of a distance but when you take into effect that I have got to be the worst jogger ever... well lets just say the distance is a virtual marathon for me. (Thank God Florida doesn't have hills- though the 80 plus degree weather in February isn't helping!) I'm starting to be able to push myself a few more blocks than my body wants to go. That's a small milestone, being able to talk myself out of giving up. Whether I learn to like it or not I'm going to keep running. It's been good for me. And as small a thing as it seems it feels good to acomplish the small goals that I set for myself. Brian makes me run one lightpost farther everyday. So here's to conquering "the muffin top" one lightpost at a time!

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