Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Body and Heart Healthy??

So far mission "Body and Heart Healthy" (or atleast that's what I am dubbing it as of today... when I come up with a more catchy slogan I'll get back to you!) has completely tanked!!!
The first day I absolutely did nothing. And by nothing I mean coming home from work, grabbing a bacon cheeseburger, tater tots, and a sweet tea from Sonic and sitting my butt on the couch for the majority of the night.
Today wasn't much better but I did put in a little half hearted effort by popping in the P90X dvd and making it twenty minutes through before collasping on the floor with rubbery legs and a cramp in my side. Hmmm.... might have been the quarterpounder and fries I had not just an hour before my half hearted attempt to exercise. Or perhaps it was the fact that other than my greasy McDonalds excuse for a meal the only other thing I ate all day was powdered sugar donuts and a Mt. Dew!!
See I told you I was horrible!!! Tomorrow is a new day and I intend to do better. On the bright side I don't think I could do much worse. And considering that the bloodpressure reading is still not so great... 142/96 with a heart rate of 99... I can't afford not to do better.

1 comment:

TheMcMurryFamily said...

Your blogs make me are so bad with eating junk food! I will say I miss Sonic! They don't have those in Hawaii!