Sunday, July 25, 2010

Getting healthy

I've finally decided to buckle down and really take a look @ my health. I'm 27 (not getting any younger!!!) and I already have high enough bloodpressure that the doctor's want to put me on blood pressure meds. I probably drink at least four cans of soda a day, never exercise, and live off a steady diet of fast food with a little junk food thrown in for good measure. Yeah I know... horrible right?! And now my clothes are starting to get tight (granted they are a size three) but still sooner or later my metabolism isn't going to be able to keep up with my diet. But regardless of whether or not I look healthy on the outside I know I'm not healthy on the inside. And since we were speaking of that wonderful nectar of the gods... here's a Mt. Dew toast to me getting healthier and making my heart happier without the use of any blood pressure meds!

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