Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What I've learned Wednesdays...

1) If you have a fever and your throat is swollen, red and covered in white ulcers go to the doctor... it's probably strep. Putting off going to the doctor for a few days is only going to make it that many more days til you start to feel better.

2) Blood pressure is measured in two numbers. The top is considered your systolic pressure the bottom number is your diastolic pressure. I'm aware of all of this now due to the fact that my diastolic pressure has been hovering around 100 and since that is considered extremly high I get to track my readings for a month and then go back to the doctor December 14 so they can decide what they want to do about it.

3) Just because a guy is extremly (and I mean extremly, possible overly) nice and cute doesn't mean I'm going to like him. Too bad it doesn't work that way though.

4) Guys should never wear v-neck style t-shirts... it's just not cool.

5) This past week my ex husband told me that he was proud of me. Proud that I've managed the past seven months on my own and he hasn't. Proud that I went back to school. Proud of the way I've handled our whole seperation. It meant alot to me to hear him say that. (But I've gotta say that lately I've been proud of him too for trying to get all of his shit together and for finally facing issues that have haunted him all his life! Way to go Brian!!)

6) I don't like online classes....too much busy work, not to mention I procrastinate horribly. I'd rather drag myself to the actual class than to do a class entirely over the internet. Next semester only one online course for me and three on campus!

7) The more and more I talk to people about their parents or their childhood experiences the more and more I realize how truly blessed I am to have the parents that I have. So thanks mom and dad... you guys really are the greatest... there are no words that could even come close to explaining how awesome you guys are.. in my book you guys are the best!!

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