Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What I've learned Wednesdays...

1) The ladybug costume was a good idea in theory (not to mention pretty damn cute if you ask me) but in reality any costume with wings is bound to get annoying after ten minutes or so. And what was I really after I ditched the wings... a chick in a super short skirt who is obsessed with red and black polka-dots?! So I've decided, next halloween, nothing with wings!

2) People don't always earn or deserve your respect. Many times you've got to force yourself to give it to them anyway.

3) My grandparents were married for sixty years. (That definitely deserves a round of applause and quite possibly a standing ovation.)

Obviously I can't even count to five because I just realized I skipped #4 entirely :)

5) It is possible to be married to someone for five years... split up... and remain good friends afterwards. Brian and I are living proof of that one. Oh for sure we had our moments here and there but we've always worked and wanted our friendship to stay intact through it all and somehow (god willing for sure) that friendship has indeed survived. And I sorta think it always will.

6) I can survive six months without cable!

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