Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thankful :)

I'm thankful for...
my mom who I can share anything with
my dad who would do anything for me
my brother who can always make me laugh
my extended family in NC who I share so many memories with
my best friend Brittany who has become like my little sister
my exhusband who is still one of my best friends
not to mention all of my other friends who are each fantastic in their own ways
Annie who is my Jewish homie
Laura who inspires me to work harder
Kelly who always seems to face life with a smile
Kristina my official night out on the town partner
Steph who brings me Cheerwine
Holly and Brie who are kick ass stay at home moms
Sarette, Megan, and Ondria who each are a great support even far way
Kim who generously opened her home to me for six months
Plus the kids in my class who brighten my days
my coworkers/friends who help make work tolerable and usually fun
I'm thankful for the chance to go back to school
For getting to do a job that I love
Getting to live with people I love
Being able to save money when some people are barely scrapping by
I'm thankful that I'm healthy
that I'm happy
that I'm enjoying my life and taking it a day at a time

And possibly most of all I'm thankful that I was able to "Get the fuck over it, grow up and move on." I've learned so much since April. I've grown so much too. I realized that I can take care of myself. That I am enough on my own. That there isnt any challenge that I'm going to face that I can't work my way through.
I'm thankful for all of the fear, uncertainty and pain of the past year. Because I learned that I am strong even if I don't feel like it. That I can be independent even though I never was before.
Thankful that last April I felt like my life and world was over... thankful that I realized you can feel like that one moment, work through it and come out on the other side a better and happier person.

It's funny to realize that you can be thankful for the bad as well as the good. But I guess when it comes down to it being thankful is just a choice. Webster's dictionary defines it as "being concious of benefits recieved" and if that's the case I guess what I choose to be thankful for makes perfect sense. But what do I care really if it makes sense at all or not... I'm thankful for it and that's all that matters and if you don't happen to agree... well let me pass along the best advice I got all year long to you... "Just get the fuck over it, grow up and move on!"

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