Sunday, August 2, 2009

too damn nice

I can't stay mad at Brian. I can't hate Brian. I can't not forgive Brian. It's even to the point of where I feel bad for speaking the truth and saying bad things about Brian. I hate that about myself... the whole I can't hold a grudge - I can't hate you - I can't stay mad at you - I'll just put aside all of the crappy shit you've done and forget it- I'll forgive you part of me. Some people might consider it a personality flaw. One that ends up getting me fucked over, walked on and used. Flaw or not it's who I am and I guess I've just got to roll with it. Accept myself for what I am and stop trying to change things. So I'm not ever going to be a cold hard bitch. Oh well. I'm sure there's worse things in life than just being to damn nice!

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