Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dear Brian,

Here's what's sad... As I'm yelling at Brian over the phone today (yes, yet again he has managed to make me completely and totally pissed off) he says to me, "You really would just love to see me crash and burn wouldn't you. You want me to fail. That would make you happy wouldn't it?" No, Brian, it wouldn't make me happy. No, I don't want to see you fail. And no, I don't wish for you to crash and burn. Though you manage to piss me off more than any other person on this planet ever has- deep down I'll always want the best in life for you. You deserve to be happy. I'd love to see you succeed and do well. For you to have everything you ever wanted. For life to be everything you ever dreamed it would be. I can only hope that you would want the same for me. In your world you were always driven by hate. Hate for your mom. For your family. For where you come from. And hate for all that happened to you as a child. But don't be fueled by hate when it comes to me... you don't have to set out to prove me wrong... of all the people in this world I know that you can do it. That you deserve to do it. (Even though you may be an ass to me sometimes, you still deserve it!!!) I hope that one day you'll be able to see how much I really did and do care about you. That above all I just want you to be able to have the life that you want. Be happy. Don't let hate rule you or drive you. And don't settle for mediocre when I know you can be great.

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