Thursday, June 4, 2009

sooo frustrating

When Brian and I split we both agreed that he was going to keep the house, make the mortgage payments and we would have my name removed from the mortgage and the house would be his. I don't make enough to carry the mortgage on my own so it was either Brian keep the house or we sale the house. He said he wanted the house. He said that he would make the mortgage payments himself... The only problem being what he says and what he actually does usually turns out to be two seperate things. "I promise I paid it last month." "Well I actually only paid half of it last month." And finally when I double check with the mortgage company myself it's "I couldn't pay it last month and I haven't paid it this month either." So of course I'm pretty pissed by this point, I think anyone in my shoes would have been. Only I think he's even more pissed than I am only it's at me for quote "bothering him and getting all up in his shit." Well guess what... like it or not the mortgage is my "shit" too until my name is off of it so if you don't want me bothering you pay the damn thing!!! Of course he has excuses of why he couldn't pay (which I won't go in to) And of course being me I even contemplated helping him cover the mortgage. But I feel like that would just be throwing money down a black hole because I don't even live there and I wouldn't have enough to cover the whole mortgage or the past owed amount anyway. And who's to say if he's going to pay it next month or the next... yet the alternative is having a forclosure on my credit. The other choice is to put the house up for sale which he refuses to do. Oh what to do, what to do?? I'll be so glad when we aren't tied together financially anymore. It just sucks that what he does or doesn't do still has such a huge inpact on me... if only I could have known three and a half years ago what I know now I would have never bought that house with him. But hindsight is 20/20 or so they say. Either way now I'm stuck with a house that I don't want and can't afford to pay for. While he lives in the house that he supposedly wants but isn't paying for. Ahhhhhhhhh.... soooo frustrating!!

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