Monday, June 8, 2009


"I've learned that you can keep on going, long after you think you can't."

I'm all alone. I don't really know what tomorrow will bring, or next week or even next year for that matter. I need a better job... which means I've got to actually go back to school (and school and I didn't particularly get along so well the first go around.) I'll be working full time. Going to school full time. Supporting myself all on my own. Just a month ago I was scared to death by the thought of all of this... now I'm just determined. Determined to make it work. Excited by the possibilties. Excited that I get to make my own choices. Excited that for the first time in a long time I get to think about what I want and go after it. Live life just for me. I no longer feel like I'm just going through the motions, blindly putting one foot in front of the other. I'm actually feeling like I've got a handle on things. That little voice in my head that I forced onto repeat "I can do this, I can do this, I can do this" is actually speaking the truth now. I don't feel lost just because I'm own my own. Being alone was my biggest fear... but here I am a wife without a husband, a 26 soon to be divorcee and you know what I've realized... you're never really alone. I've got an amazing family, a handful of pretty freaking awesome friends, great co-workers, and a class full of two year olds that I absolutely adore. I feel blessed for all I do have. Blessed that I have the chance to start over. Blessed that I'm here and I 'm whole and I'm doing okay. And blessed for all the great things yet to come my way.

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