Sunday, August 12, 2012

28 weeks

How far along-
glance above to the blog title, lol :) 28 weeks

Size of the baby-
2 and 1/4 pounds and just over 14 inches

Weight Gain-
can yikes be my answer?!?! no? if you promise not to make fun of me I'll give you the brutally honest number... 30 pounds!!!

Maternity Clothes-
please refer to the previous question and you tell me if you think I could fit into anything but maternity clothes!!


definite kicks and punches and still the occasional full body flip! gregory can easily feel her now and you can see my belly jump from the outside whenever she gets really going

still not too bad... it takes me a while to get comfy but the body pillow helps

have to pee ALL of the time and swelling. the swelling was especially bad when we flew up to Philly last weekend, but thankfully it has gone down quite alot.

Food Cravings- 
grits!! and even though I'm a true southern girl I don't usually like grits at all 

What I miss-
having small boobs!! being able to get up and down with the kids at work, my belly is definitely making it hard for Mrs. Elizabeth to sit "criss-cross applesauce" during group time, lol

What I'm looking forward to-
since I have high bloodpressure and take a beta-blocker this coming week I'm being sent to the high risk ob for a precautionary ultrasound to make sure that Mayson is growing like she should be. i'm excited to have another chance to see our baby girl and hope that we recieve confirmation that she is growing and developing right on track :)

Best Moment this Week-
her stroller and car seat arrived in the mail, plus we purchased her pack and play and a few other items from BabiesRus. i'm getting excited seeing all of her things assembled and slowly taking over our apartment!


MommytoMacKenzie said...

2If it makes you feel any better I have gained 50 lbs already! I gained 55lbs with MacKenzie so I figure in the next two weeks I may weigh the same thing! Oh well we can loose it all after baby, really skinny pregnant ladies don't make since right? lol I think it took me 3-4 months to feel like the weight was really coming off last time then I was smaller than before I got pregnant!

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