Tuesday, August 21, 2012

29 weeks

How far along-
29 weeks

Size of the baby-
2 and 1/2 pounds and just over 15 inches

Weight Gain-
30 plus a few :(

Maternity Clothes-
pretty much all maternity clothes except a few shirts that I bought larges in, i'm thinking that i might just need to purchase some maternity shoes too!! i doubt they make these, perhaps i could make quite a killing if i came up with my own maternity shoe line :)


still feeling quite a bit of movement

while its interupted by quite a few potty breaks and it takes  me a while to get comfy i'm not complaining because i'm sure it could be much worse

peeing all the time cause Miss Mayson likes to bounce on my bladder, some swelling though its better than last week, lot's of pelvic pressure

Food Cravings-
apple pie (which was a bad breakfast choice because Mayson was not a fan) 

What I miss-
not feeling like my pelvic bone was being crushed!! mayson likes to hang out really low and half the time i feel like i'm one sneeze away from her shooting out!

What I'm looking forward to-
my ultrasound got scheduled for this week so on thursday morning Greg and I get the chance to peek at our baby girl again

Best Moment this Week-
celebrating Greg's 26th birthday and getting him his first ever "to my daddy" b-day card!!

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