Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Weeks 7 and 8

So far each passing week has been one nonstop nausaus, dizzying blur.
Eat. Puke. Eat. Puke. Ok what happens if I just drink? Nope, still puke. And puke and puke. There is nothing left in my stomach but acid. Lets puke!
Which only ends up with poor Greg half carrying my zombified carcass to the urgent care center for iv fluids. Fluids would revive me. I'd be able to keep some food down for a bit then everything would just snowball into the aforementioned cycle.
Second trip proved to be slightly more productive because it's where I discovered dissovable zofran <3 heart <3 which seems to be working better for me than simply the pop a pill every 8 hours version.
So now I'm on a new cycle, only it's the pill popping cycle. Zofran and phenergan for nausau... throw in a prenatal and some B6... acebutolol for my bloodpressure... tylenol for the horrible headaches I seem to be getting at night... along with the occassional gas-x or senekot for the horrible constipation that the zofran causes.
Yikes!!! I feel like a junky. Poor baby Stewart has been recieving more drugs in just 9 weeks of gestation than most people take all year.
Pregnancy is no joke!!
These past few weeks should be what we document and show all of the future teenage mothers out there!
I'm excited and I want the baby but still find myself struggling to stay positive after day upon, upon day of this ridiculousness. In utter honesty these past few weeks have not been pretty. There were days when I was a complete and total mess. Yet day in and day out Gregory has been there... he's been my biggest cheerleader... and there are days that I take out how crappy I feel on him which makes me pretty sure I don't deserve him... but he's still there.
Solid. Positive. Empathetic.
And you can't really ask for more than that :)

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