Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Six weeks

If I could sum up week six of this pregnancy it would be puking, puking and more puking!!!
Oh how I despise those women who just rave about how easy their pregnancy was and how wonderful they felt.
*&!#$Insert profanity here*&!#$
So far I absolutely hate being pregnant!!!
I lack the words to adequately describe how I feel. At best my body just feels weird, like something is off. My skin feels strange and my stomach feels funny. At my worst I'm hovering over the toilet puking my guts out, feeling like my insides are being ripped apart by terrible gas pains, with the world spinning around me and my head pounding relentlessly.
For the most part I've been curled up in a little ball either on the couch or on the bed. At first I was only sick on and off. Since wednesday evening I've been throwing up atleast 10 times a day... starting friday night I threw up anything solid that I tried to eat.
If I eat, I puke.
If I move, I puke.
It feels like if I even breath wrong, I puke.
I absolutely hate all of the food commercials on tv.
I can't stand kisses or Greg trying to cuddle up to me.
I hate car rides... what don't I hate at the moment, lol?!
The ob prescribed me zofran which I've heard is a miracle drug for some but it didn't work well for me. It works by suppressing serotonin and my anxiety medicine that I'm dosing off of works by increasing seretonin so in my nonexpert opinion I think both meds are canceling each other out. Not to mention that the ob wants me to take 1 pill every 12 hours but my insurance will only pay for 12 pills every 15 days. I'm not all that good at math but even I know that doesn't add up!
The one bright side to this week was Greg's winging ceremony. For almost two years now Gregory has worked towards this moment so luckily I managed to pull myself together enough to celebrate this day with him and our parents. The night before I was an emotional wreck, throwing up and trying to find something to wear that fit since I have that lovely early pregnancy bloat. But luckily I made it threw the next morning and the entire ceremony; plus lunch at Cracker Barrel before I started puking again... at these stage in the game I guess you gotta celebrate the little things!

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