Thursday, November 25, 2010


Here's a helpful hint. If u r cheap like me and generally only get new phones when people cast off their old ones check to make sure their phone isn't still set with their daily alarm. Or else u r going to be waking up @ 4:45 on Thanksgiving morning even though u have no turkey to put in the oven. Blah!! And so starts thanksgiving day...
I can think of a million things that I should feel thankful for but I can’t seem to muster up any real sincere thanks for any of them. Tis the season and all but I’m just not feeling it. Thoughts of turkeys make me feel empty and Christmas trees in all of their splendor leave me feeling less than spectacular in their presence. I’m not unhappy, but I’m not exactly happy either. I’m just kind of there, and not really feeling it. I feel sorta blah and I feel stuck. But worse than feeling stuck I don't know the direction I would like to go if I were to get unstuck. Whatever train of thought I'm on at any given moment can be so easily derailed and suddenly I'm on to some new idea... I can't focus... heck I don't even know where I was going with all of this!
Anyway. Guess I'll just shut up now, drink my cheerwine and hope I get one of the turkey legs at dinner! Happy (unthankful) Thanksgiving.

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