Sunday, January 4, 2009

The things we say...

I was playing around on the floor wrestling with little Miss Sid Vicious when I noticed something I had never thought of before.
"You know," I said to Brian, "Sidney's breath really doesn't stink. Don't most dogs have horrible stinky breath?" Of course Brian is only half listening to me as he is currently playing some racing game on xbox. "I wonder why her breath doesn't stink," I continue, "Do you think it's because we only feed her dog food? Or because she has so many bones and chew toys to get the tarter off her teeth? Or because she's still a puppy? Or maybe it's because..."
Brian looks up from his game with the most serious and thoughtful expression on his face and interupts me saying, "Most dog's breath stinks because they eat poop. We don't let Sidney eat poop." With that all knowing and earth shattering fact stated he turns back to his xbox and continues to race his little car around and around the track, while I roll around on the floor laughing hysterically with Sid- our amazingly cute fresh-breathed non poop eating dog!

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