Wednesday, February 4, 2009

800 miles and an abcessed tooth!

Wow... let's see... what have I been up to? A whole bunch of nothing!! Now trust me when I say "nothing" is quite preferable to how last week went. After days of my ear hurting, running a low grade fever and a weekend spent puking my guts out I decided that I should finally break down and make a doctor's appointment. The night before the appointment my back tooth on the lower right side starting hurting and by the time I woke up my whole jaw ached. I kept my doctor's appointment and she confirmed my worst fear- all of my pain and problems were coming from my tooth. Now let me just state here that going to the dentist is probably one of my number one fears. Despite being terrified every time I go I love, love, love my dentist in Salisbury so even though I've lived in Jacksonville for almost four years now I've never found a dentist here. I just always work my dental appointments around when I'm visiting my family in North Carolina. Which of course means now I had a huge problem. An immensly painful abcessed tooth and no local dentist. So at three o'clock on tuesday I called my dentist. He says if I can get there he'll see me as soon as he opens the next day- did I mention that he is the world's greatest dentist! So he calls me in a prescription which my local pharmacy can't have filled til 7 that night. So I packed, pop three extra strength tylenol, picked up my antibiotic and vicodin and hit the road. Six horrible hours later I made it to my parents and finally got to take one of my pain pills which was by far the best part of the whole night (well actually by this time morning.) After only about three hours of sleep I was up and off to see the dentist. Armed with yet another pain pill and my wonderful mommy there for moral support I survived three shots of novocaine, over an hour in the dentist chair and a root canal! About five hours or so after the root canal I was back on the road heading back to Jacksonville. I didn't get home until midnight which left me about six hours to sleep before I had to wake up and head off to work a ten hour day! Fun times, fun times. So when I say I'm glad this week has turned out to be quite boring you'll understand why "boring" is a good thing!

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