Tuesday, August 28, 2012

third trimester revelations

When you have a baby girl fetus who likes to hang out really low in your belly, laughing hysterically and suffering a coughing fit at the same time does not do wonders for your bladder.
And this previously mentioned laughing and coughing fit may have caused mommy to pee on herself... but just a little!!!
 But let's face it... whether it was a little or a lot... peeing yourself is peeing yourself!!! 
Not cool baby Mayson! Just not cool! 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

30 weeks

How many weeks-

Size of the baby-
according to our ultrasound estimate- 3 1/2 pounds

Weight Gain-
35 pounds

Maternity Clothes-
it's all I wear... that and Greg's t-shirts, boxers and pj's

ultrasound confirmed she's still all girl!

she's been moving around like crazy lately

okay I guess, starting to wake up sore and crampy though

same as last week, lot's of potty breaks, swelling, pelvic pressure and now heartburn

Food Cravings-
all types of breakfast foods 

What I miss-
being able to move around without feeling like a sloth

What I'm looking forward to-
the third trimester flying by, lol

Best Moment this Week-
seeing our little girl in real time! she was grabbing her feet and blinking her eyes... it's the craziest thing ever to be able to take a sneak peek at her inside of her little world :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Third trimester revelations

Being over seven months pregnant makes it hard for one to (ahem) groom oneself properly if you know what I mean. There's nothing more frustating, or perhaps hilarious, than trying to contort your body in all sorts of unnatural ways to see over your belly or using a mirror to be able to see all of your business down there so you can shave/trim properly. And I'm sure its only going to get worse from here!!! I'm this close to considering a revival in the 80's type "hairstyle" but I just can't bring myself to do it, lol! So for now I guess I'll keep hacking away, almost blindly, praying that I don't cut myself or see if I can finally talk my husband into doing it for me!!! Though that last one might be a long shot! I'll have better luck getting  my mom do it for me, which she totally would by the way... nothing like a mother's love I guess!!!!)
Oh there is nothing like the joys of pregnancy :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

29 weeks

How far along-
29 weeks

Size of the baby-
2 and 1/2 pounds and just over 15 inches

Weight Gain-
30 plus a few :(

Maternity Clothes-
pretty much all maternity clothes except a few shirts that I bought larges in, i'm thinking that i might just need to purchase some maternity shoes too!! i doubt they make these, perhaps i could make quite a killing if i came up with my own maternity shoe line :)


still feeling quite a bit of movement

while its interupted by quite a few potty breaks and it takes  me a while to get comfy i'm not complaining because i'm sure it could be much worse

peeing all the time cause Miss Mayson likes to bounce on my bladder, some swelling though its better than last week, lot's of pelvic pressure

Food Cravings-
apple pie (which was a bad breakfast choice because Mayson was not a fan) 

What I miss-
not feeling like my pelvic bone was being crushed!! mayson likes to hang out really low and half the time i feel like i'm one sneeze away from her shooting out!

What I'm looking forward to-
my ultrasound got scheduled for this week so on thursday morning Greg and I get the chance to peek at our baby girl again

Best Moment this Week-
celebrating Greg's 26th birthday and getting him his first ever "to my daddy" b-day card!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

28 weeks

How far along-
glance above to the blog title, lol :) 28 weeks

Size of the baby-
2 and 1/4 pounds and just over 14 inches

Weight Gain-
can yikes be my answer?!?! no? if you promise not to make fun of me I'll give you the brutally honest number... 30 pounds!!!

Maternity Clothes-
please refer to the previous question and you tell me if you think I could fit into anything but maternity clothes!!


definite kicks and punches and still the occasional full body flip! gregory can easily feel her now and you can see my belly jump from the outside whenever she gets really going

still not too bad... it takes me a while to get comfy but the body pillow helps

have to pee ALL of the time and swelling. the swelling was especially bad when we flew up to Philly last weekend, but thankfully it has gone down quite alot.

Food Cravings- 
grits!! and even though I'm a true southern girl I don't usually like grits at all 

What I miss-
having small boobs!! being able to get up and down with the kids at work, my belly is definitely making it hard for Mrs. Elizabeth to sit "criss-cross applesauce" during group time, lol

What I'm looking forward to-
since I have high bloodpressure and take a beta-blocker this coming week I'm being sent to the high risk ob for a precautionary ultrasound to make sure that Mayson is growing like she should be. i'm excited to have another chance to see our baby girl and hope that we recieve confirmation that she is growing and developing right on track :)

Best Moment this Week-
her stroller and car seat arrived in the mail, plus we purchased her pack and play and a few other items from BabiesRus. i'm getting excited seeing all of her things assembled and slowly taking over our apartment!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

love this song :)

Never experienced infertility, but I do however know the pain and sadness of suffering a miscarriage. As Mayson flips and kicks around in my belly and I watch this video/ hear this song I could never feel anything but grateful for my little girl to be!

Dear Mayson Pearl,

One day when you are older and capable of simple math equations I'm sure you are going to be asking a few questions. You'll take the day that  your dad and I had our first date, November 21st and the date that your dad and I got married July 4th and realize that less than 8 months separate them. You might also be able to calculate that according to your birthdate your mommy would have been 5 months pregnant on her official wedding day. And that when you were born your mom and dad hadn't even known each other for an entire year yet! And that little Miss Mayson is definitely not the most flattering math, lol.
Although once you are old enough to understand what all the numbers mean I hope that what will stand out to you most is that mommy was 29 when all of these numbers happened and not 16, lol! And I hope that you will always know that, you our dearest Mayson Pearl, are the best suprise that we ever recieved!!
I never want to hide from you or anyone else the facts surronding your coming to be. My greatest fear is that you will suffer or be made to feel like you were a mistake or other unwanted baby.
The truth behind the numbers is that I had always been on the pill until that fateful doctor's appointment when my doctor decided that my bloodpressure was too high to continue with that method of birth control. We decided that the depo shot was the next best option for me but I needed to wait until my next cycle to start. The flaw in this plan turned out to be that your mommy and daddy decided to only use additional protection the week that mommy "thought" she would ovulate. God, fate, chance, the best of luck, or whatever took that choice and made you. And suprisingly your dad and I have never looked back to that moment and wished that we had done anything different. From the very moment we found out that you existed we haven't felt anything but excited and happy that you were going to be ours. No matter what the numbers may say we feel blessed!! Your mommy has never been one for math or numbers anyway. I'll take how my heart feels about you over those silly numbers anyday :)

Well hello there 3rd trimester!!

Obviously I might be just a wee bit behind on my blog posts. And if by a "wee bit" I actually mean 12 weeks, than my previous statement would be totally correct! So lets recap what all has happened in the past 12 weeks...
I've gotten bigger...

We found out we are having a little baby GIRL!!!

We decided on a name, one that I had never even considered before, lol :)
Mayson Pearl to be exact- named after both of my grandmothers Elizabeth Pearl and Effie Mae.

Plus I've gotten even bigger!!!

And perhaps the most exciting news of all... little Miss Mayson is now fully legimate. On July 4th Gregory and I got legally hitched!