Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What I've learned Wednesdays...

Most every year I end up with one really bad red as a lobster type of sunburn! (As if we needed even more proof that I never learn my lesson the first time!)

Here's a few helpful hints for all of those fellow pasty white sun lovers out there...

an spf of 4 is not going to cut it

forgetting to even put the spf 4 on the back of your legs or have someone assist you in putting it on the top of your back is bad

then proceeding to fall asleep while on the beach is even badder

having a sun loving mom who luvs lounging on the beach for hours at a time all the while managing not to burn is the baddest

once the burn really sets in ibuprofin does wonders for the pain

and having a loving boyfriend who will faithfully slather you down from head to toe with aloe is a must

After a week when your skin is flaking and you feel like a snake shedding it's skin or some biblical figure afflicted with leprosy I only have one suggestion - packaging tape!!!

Put it on in strips, grit your teeth and rip it off! Totally speeds up the gross peeling skin process. Not to mention it sure is a lot of fun to gross people out by dangling your used dead skin adorned packaging tape strips in their face!

But if I could leave you only one piece of advice... the one thing that I keep managing not to learn time and time again... WEAR SUNSCREEN!

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