Monday, January 24, 2011

why isn't life fair!?

Not sure where we as humans got this whole idea that life should be fair. That if you are good and do good, good things will come your way. And if you're bad... well... watch out! It's the idea of kharma. What comes around goes around. It's a good concept in theory but I that is all it is really- a nice theory.
In truth bad things happen to good people. Good things happen to bad people. And both good and bad things happen to mediocre people. It would be nice if there was some rhyme or reason to it. Some cosmic tally sheet that in the end everyone got what they ultimatly deserved. Then we wouldn't be sitting here, head in our hands, asking God "WHY?" WHY did this happen? WHY can't I have this? WHY don't I deserve this? WHY won't you fix this?
In a way I think we are all a bit like a kid who really wants a treat.
Be nice to your brother. Do your homework. Clean up your room. Eat your vegetables and you'll get your cookie.
It's so much easier to do the quote "right things" when you know you are going to get rewarded for them. Yet somehow the "right thing" loses its value in that whole process. You are no longer doing the "right thing" because its right, you're doing it because ultimately you're going to get your prize. So now its a totally self serving and selfish process. There is no right or wrong anymore. There's just what gets me the best stuff!
And that's why a whole kharma type idea wouldn't work with God. You've got to do the right thing because it's right. You've got to try and be a better human being because it's right. You've got to strive to help... give... love... forgive... have compassion all because it's what is right. It can't be cheapened with a reward system.
So when a good friend of mine has to go through the painful process of losing her mom to cancer... or another friend has to say goodbye to her husband for a year so he can go overseas to Afganistan it's not because God thinks they're bad people. In fact if he thinks anything like me he thinks they are amazing people. But being amazing people isn't going to stop the bad things in life from happening either.
There is no reward system.
No good for the good.
No bad for the bad.
But lot's of both, especially for the mediocre!

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