Sunday, January 4, 2009

The things we say...

I was playing around on the floor wrestling with little Miss Sid Vicious when I noticed something I had never thought of before.
"You know," I said to Brian, "Sidney's breath really doesn't stink. Don't most dogs have horrible stinky breath?" Of course Brian is only half listening to me as he is currently playing some racing game on xbox. "I wonder why her breath doesn't stink," I continue, "Do you think it's because we only feed her dog food? Or because she has so many bones and chew toys to get the tarter off her teeth? Or because she's still a puppy? Or maybe it's because..."
Brian looks up from his game with the most serious and thoughtful expression on his face and interupts me saying, "Most dog's breath stinks because they eat poop. We don't let Sidney eat poop." With that all knowing and earth shattering fact stated he turns back to his xbox and continues to race his little car around and around the track, while I roll around on the floor laughing hysterically with Sid- our amazingly cute fresh-breathed non poop eating dog!


We play Monopoly, which he ALWAYS wins.
And of course he gloats.

Yes Sidney it's very sad that mommy's losing :(

I pout.

Then I get angry and vow to never play monopoly again. (Which of course I will and so the cycle begins again!)

Friday, January 2, 2009

A little late bit of Christmas!

Opening presents with Sidney the weekend before Christmas. She got her own doggie pillow (which she refuses to sleep on!) and a candy cane shaped bone.
This is the best pic of my brother I'll probably ever get- he always hides his face!!

Mom's cat Socks sure is feeling rather festive!

Mom and Dad Christmas smooches!!!XOXOXOXOXO

Sorry about DESTROYING your sweater mom. I promise I'll buy you a new one for Christmas next year or maybe I'll learn to knit and I'll make you one!! Here's a tip for anyone who is laundry illiterate like I am- if a tag says "lay flat to dry" do not for any reason put it in the dryer it usually comes out quite a bit smaller then when you first put it in.

Grandma and Grandpa Overcash- I've come to cherish each and every Christmas with my grandparents because one of these years I know it will be our last Christmas together.

Brian is STOKED about his new tv. And yes Kenny, he already knew he was getting this. I'm horrible at keeping secrets.