Monday, March 31, 2008

Memories of Brian's time @ HSL 46

Brian is checking out of HSL 46 this week. He's been with 46 since we first got orders to Mayport, four years ago next month. (For those of you who are not Navy inclined Brian is in the avaiation department and instead of being assigned to a ship he was assigned to a helicopter squadron where he's worked as an aviation electician on 60's/seahawks) He'll go to school for the next two months @ NAS JAX, take a months leave and then start (just a few helo hangers down) at HSL 40 for TWO years of shore duty!!! Three cheers for shore duty!!! He has made some great friends while working at 46, went up two ranks, been to Autec in the Bahamas, been on two and a half deployments, three different ships (the Klakring, the Monteray, and the Mason) and got to visit some pretty amazing places... Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Dubai, Germany, England, Scotland, the Netherlands, Estonia, Poland, St. Kits, Cuba, Belgium...I'm sure I'm missing some... mainly places in the Persian Gulf I can't pronounce much less spell and several islands in the Carribbean.
As cheesy as it may be I am sooo proud of him for all of the days, weeks, and months that he spent out at sea doing his job and serving his country. Job well done Brian! Cherish your memories and let's move on forward to HSL 40 and your TWO years of shore duty.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

"One of the Best Days of His Life."

Yesterday was as said by Brian "One of the best days of his life!!!" He traded in his little-practice- learn how to ride- Enduro motorcyle and "FINALLY" (his words again not mine) bought the bike of his dreams. And while he was beyond excited, I was pretty much beyond scared. Days like these make me even more aware of what exact opposites my husband and I are. Motorcycles scare me to death which made for an interesting trip around the block when he talked me into riding on the back. I held on to him for dear life and screamed with every turn!! If we could have just rode straight on never having to turn, go through any curves, or switch lanes I might have been fine... because every time the bike went any way but straight forward I could have sworn we were going to fall over. And he thinks I'm going to get a little matching helmet and ride around town with him. HA! I'm not so sure about that.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

trying again

Journey into parenthood- take two.
Brian and I have decided to TRY for baby number two.
(Yes, I do think of it as baby number two. Though our first child never took his or her first breath, never made it out of the womb and into the world, I will always love and remember them the same as if I had held them, named them, or had the chance to see them face to face.) We are EXCITED
lot's of emotions rolled into one.
What if this time I don't even get pregnant?
What if we do, but lose this baby as well?
I hesitate to become to hopeful or pray specifically for a healthy baby. I simply pray that Brian and I have the strength to handle whatever cards life decides to deal us. I hope that anyone else sending a prayer heavenward would pray the same. I want a child but yet refuse to ask for a baby. I'm just thankful for the chance to try again. In life you can't always recieve what you want... I just want to be able to be at peace with whatever we are given (or not given).
Hopefully God doesn't think that is to much to ask.