Saturday, September 15, 2012

In the blink of an eye...

Everything can change.
I have probably mentioned briefly at least a time or two about my high blood pressure, which was pre-existing pregnancy, but I don't think I even realized how big of a factor it was going to end up being in this pregnancy. I have been on blood pressure medicine my entire pregnancy and up until about 30 weeks everything was looking great and my blood pressure was under control.
Once I hit the 30 week mark my blood pressure started bouncing around; somedays it was normal other days it was creeping up hanging in the 150/95 range. Talked to the ob and we switched my medicine.
But just a week later at my next appointment my blood pressure was even higher so I had to do the lovely 24 hr urine test, have blood work done and have an ekg ran the next day. This was all on a friday.
Monday was my follow up appointment which would change the course of this pregnancy forever. My blood pressure was even higher 170/105 and my urine test showed to much protein all of which adds up to a diagnoses of pre-eclampsia. I was sent straight over to labor and delivery to undergo more tests to see how severe the pre-eclampsia was at this point. After another 24 hr urine test, three seperate blood draws, and almost constant fetal monitering the doctor's felt I was currently stable enough to continue with the pregnancy. The only cure for pre-eclampsia is delivery so now it's just a balancing act of making sure I don't get worse putting me and Mayson in danger versus trying to give Mayson as much time as possible before having to deliver her.
While in the hospital I recieved steroid shots for her lung development and as of tomorrow I will be 33 weeks. Our goal is to make it 4 more weeks. If we make it I'll be induced when I hit 37 weeks; making Mayson a mid October baby instead of a November baby. 
After two and a half days in the hospital I came home on strict bedrest. And honestly that was me pushing for bedrest at home. The doctor seemed like she would have prefered me to remain hospitalized until Mayson arrived but the thought of up to four weeks in the hospital was way to overwhelming for me. So luckily after agreeing to stick to strict bedrest and going in for three appointments a week, plus weekly blood work and weekly 24 hr urine test I am finally home.
I'm trying my best to relax and ignore the clock that seems to be ticking away in the back of my mind. The sound of those steady ever ticking seconds reminding me that things could change any time and Mayson Pearl could be on her way, 33 weeks along ot not :(

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