Saturday, December 24, 2011

Dear Cancer,

Microglandular Adenosis Carcinoma

I am not really sure how I feel about you yet. Sure I dislike you, probably hate you but I'm trying not to judge you to harshly yet and give you the benefit of the doubt. Supposedly you are a lazy cancer, so I definitely appreciate your slowness. And I am hoping that you chose to expose your existence very early on in the game. If not and you've been hiding we are going to have words about that and I am sure that at least on my part they won't be very nice words. And quite frankly I am very upset that, at the very least, my mom is going to lose a part of herself because of you. All I can ask really is that you be content with what my mom is having to give you and chose not claim anything else. I promise you and I will be on somewhat good terms if you go completely away after surgery. If not and you have chosen to stick around know that you are going to have a hell of a fight on your hands. I would suggest giving up and waving the white flag of surrender now. It'll be easier on both parties that way.

And ps- I love my mom and I am not letting you take her!

Sincerely yours,


Friday, December 23, 2011


Life is full of surprises.

Some good.

Others bad.

And sometimes life likes to get really tricky with these suprises and throw you two at once...

The good... a certain someone named Gregory.

The bad... my mommy has cancer.

Which leaves me at a total loss of what to say or how to feel. Part of me can't stop smiling. Part of me can't stop crying.

To have life give you a new love but threaten to take away an old one is cruel.

Or is it a blessing?

Or perhaps a wake up call?

For now all I know to do is focus on life and love itself. The old and the new. And prayerfully hope that life is going to let me enjoy both simultaneously for many more years to come.