Saturday, October 23, 2010

What I've learned Wednesdays...

1) If I'm being completely honest with myself Brian is always going to be one of my best friends. (I do realize the sheer wierdness factor of that statement.) You can't really argue or talk yourself out of the friendships that life gives you. You accept them. You remember to be thankful for them. And you don't dwell on the whole we shouldn't be friends it's kind of weird factor. Having true friends that you love and care about the same as family... that's priceless!

2) Decisions and choices are rarely ever black and white sort of things. There's always a million shades of gray in the middle.

3) Someone thinking that I am wrong is sometimes worse for me than actutally being wrong.

4) Gunmetal gray is my current fave nailpolish color and I'm totally digging my new black with silver skulls tank top I just bought for $5.17

5) I want more in life than I currently have. (But then again doesn't almost everybody?)

6) It's really 4am on a Sunday and I'm about to hit publish post on a "What I've learned Wednesdays..." title. Oh well... sometimes you've got to expand your horizons and bend the rules just a little so here's a "What I've learned Wednesday" on a "I shouldn't be up this freaking early Sunday."

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