Saturday, August 21, 2010

misplaced willpower

I haven't really been able to get myself on the whole weight loss, eat healthy and exercise bandwagon. I seriously lack any amount of willpower when it comes to this area... I lack willpower in lots of areas to be truthfully honest but that is beside the point. In fact I'm so unfamiliar with willpower that I'm not even sure if it's one word or two. Willpower or will power... who knows?!
Lack of will power (or willpower) aside, I'm back down to 125 on the scale. And yes I know the exact number because I went back to the previously mentioned terrifying aisle and purchased one! I should atleast get some points for bravery right?
The only thing I have been doing lately is being aware of what I put in my mouth. (let's not turn that sentence into anything dirty because you guys know what I mean!!!) I've cut back some on my soda and I haven't bought anything of the sweet sugary goodness variety lately.
But as for really putting in some serious effort... nope, nada, zilch. Which in turn makes me feel real guilty when poor Dave has to hear me complain once again about my tight jeans and my muffin top making an unwelcome appearance. I haven't even really earned the right to complain since I'm not giving 110% of my effort to fix the problem.
Next time I get home from work and I'm just too tired to workout or I run by McDonalds for a quick lunch I need to think of this post, or the numbers on the scale or the fact that I had to rig my work pants the other day because they refused to button... if I could force myself to remember even just one of these things maybe I'd be able to summon up some of that possibly misspelled misplaced willpower of mine and make the healthier choice instead of the the easier one.

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